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How To Encourage The Development Of Autonomy In Children

The development of autonomy in children is essential for them to grow properly and become a healthy adult. Thus, the work on autonomy becomes one of the most important principles within the current of positive discipline, since it provides children with the necessary tools to have an optimal general development.

How To Promote The Development Of Autonomy With The Little Ones?

Autonomy must be developed gradually, without haste. You have to give the little ones all the love they deserve and be patient with them. Little by little, they will acquire the strategies and implement them in their daily lives. Dressing himself, helping at home with small tasks, picking up his toys … All of this prepares him for adult life. A sense of responsibility will be created in them and they will acquire, more and more, a greater degree of autonomy. Both aspects go hand in hand, so that by working and promoting one of the two, we will be promoting the other and vice versa.

Next, we explain the different areas with which we can work autonomy. In addition, we leave you some tips to achieve it.

Areas To Promote Autonomy In The Child:

Hygiene and personal self-care:
It should be carried out, once toilet training is established (respecting the physiological maturation of the children). From that moment on, we can continue with hygiene in the bathroom, washing teeth, hands, etc.

Autonomy when dressing:
We can teach them to wear the different garments in their correct order. Once they acquire this basic learning, we will let them wear the clothes they prefer, as long as it is appropriately.

Eating habits:
When they already know how to eat alone and have the habit and time routine of meals, we will teach them the basic rules of conduct at the table. We will also let them begin to choose their own food at certain times of the day (for example at snack time). Always taking into account the fact of encouraging them to eat healthy.

Life in society:
Developing social habits is of the utmost importance for the little ones. We must teach them the power of empathy. This is a great tool that will offer the little ones the possibility of putting themselves in the place of the other and, thus, acting in a correct way. We can also teach you the power of a smile, kindness and respect that will undoubtedly help you to relate to the people around you in your adult life.

By following these tips, the little ones will be able to acquire skills that will strengthen their autonomy and self-confidence, making them enjoy a happy childhood based on good values ??that they will put into practice, without a doubt, in their adult life.

The Walking Mombie